8 agosto 2013

Il present continuous - Il presente progressivo

Il present continuous si costruisce con il presente indicativo dell'ausilare to be seguito dal verbo alla forma in -ing.

Forma affermativa : 

I am working  [I'm working]
You are working [you're working]
He is working  [He's working]
She is working [She's working]
It is working  [It's working]
We are working  [we're working]
You are working [you're working]
They are working [they're working]

Forma negativa:

I am not working   [I'm not working]
You are not working [You aren't working]
He is working [He isn't working]
She is working [She isn't working]
It is working [It isn't working]
We are working [we aren't working]
You are working [you aren't working]
They are working. [they aren't working]

Forma interrogativa/ interrogativa negativa

Am I working?   [ am I not working?]
Are you working? [Aren't you working?]
Is he working?  [Isn't he working?]
Is she working? [ Isn't she working?]
Is it working? [Isn't it working?]
Are we working? [Aren't we working?]
Are they working? [Aren't they working?] 

Il present continuous si usa per esprimere: 

a) un'azione in fase di svolgimento:

- Paul is watching Tv at the moment.
- She is playing in her room. 

b) un'azione futura programmata in precedenza:

- I'm leaving for London next week.
- We're going to the cinema tonight.

c) disapprovazione nei confronti di un'abitudine irritante:

- You're alwasys complaining about mmy cooking.
- (ti lamenti sempre della mia cucina).

Il present continuous non si usa  con i verbi di percezione, sentimento, volontà e opinione.

Un infinito può essere usato alla forma progressiva per sottolineare un'azione in fase di svolgimento:

- John seems to be studing hard these days. (John sembra studiare molto in questi giorni).  


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